CASFRI is designed so users can build their own standardized forest inventory using the data they have available. The following is a list of publically available datasets from that can be downloaded from jurisdications across Canada. Other datasets may be available to users by requesting them from the appropriate data providers. For example, forest inventories from the AB and NWT governments is available on request.
Current and historical version of the BC Vegetation Resource Inventory are available from the BC data catalogue.
Data from the Manitoba Land Initiative is available from their web portal.
Some older inventory datasets are available through the PEI GIS Data catalogue.
The latest inventory data is available through the GeoNB Data Catalogue.
The current forest inventory is available from government website along with older versions of the inventory.
The most up-to-date inventory files are available for download from the government website.
Yukon’s older 5k data as well as their newer 40k data can be downloaded from the GeoYukon Data Exporer.